Insert a multi cloud application in the MarketPlace

This article describes a way to insert an appliance that is likely to be instanciated on different clouds.

LAL Marketplace is available here: MarketPlace. It presents a  repository if appliances usable on the cloud.

In its current version, the Marketplace permits to define an appliance that can be launched in a single click over a set of cloud thanks to a simple description file manipulation.

Step 1

Insert the appliance in one or more clouds.

Step 2:

Use  Stratuslab scripts to create the appliance metadata.

$> stratus-build-metadata \
    --author="John Doe" --os=SL --os-version=6.6 --os-arch=x86_64 \
    --image-version=1.0 \
    --comment="cernvm 3.5.1 (" \
    --format=raw \
    --hypervisor=kvm \
    --title=cernvm3.5.1 \
    --location= \


This tool creates the SL-6.6-x86_64-base-1.0.xml description file.

Step 3

The description file must be modified by hand. You must add as many locations as  clouds where this appliance has been registered.

4th and last step

Use Stratuslab scripts to sign and upload the metadata on the Marketplace.

$> stratus-sign-metadata SL-6.6-x86_64-base-1.0.xml
$> stratus-upload-metadata SL-6.6-x86_64-base-1.0.xml


You can find an exemple  for the CernVM here.

Click on the links to download the appliance, or to launch it on a cloud (if you have a valid account, of course).