Archives de l’auteur : OLeg Lodygensky

Create your own appliance

An appliance is virtual disk containing an Openrating System (OS) of your choice, as well as your own application stack.

You can easily create your appliance in a few steps:

  • download the OS of your choice
  • launch a virtual machine (VM)from this OS
  • update all packages
  • prepare the system for the cloud
  • install your application stack

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Créer votre appliance

Une appliance est un disque virtuel contenant le système d’exploitation (Openrating System, ou OS) de votre choix, ainsi que l’ensemble des logiciels utilisateurs.

Vous pouvez facilement créer votre propre appliance en quelques étapes:

  • télécharger l’OS de votre choix
  • lancer une machine virtuelle (VM) avec cet OS
  • mettre à jour l’ensemble des packages installés
  • préparer le système pour une utilisation sur le cloud
  • installer vos logiciels utilisateurs

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Cloud Migration

Executive Summary

These last years, LAL has developed, deploy and maintain a StratusLab-based cloud platform.

At the same time, the cloud ecosystem has evolved significantly and at the end of last year, we decided that it was time to migrate from StratusLab to a more feature-rich platform, OpenStack, which is the main open-source cloud middleware. Today we are pleased to announce that the new platform is open an accessible to users previously registered on our StratusLab platform.

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Mathrice 2016

We presented the Cyclone project at Mathrice workshop, a French Computing Engineer in mathematics laboratory event, that took place on 14-18 of March in Strasbourg, France.

The presentation introduced the CYCLONE project in general, its roadmap and goals, involved parterns and technologies. The presentation has been illustrated Bioinformatics and Energy usecases considered in the project.

The marketplace and have been compared.

You can download the presentation (in french): 20160315-cyclone-matrice – v2

Nous avons présenté le projet Cyclone à la journée Mathrice workshop, qui a eu lieu les 14-18 mars 2016, à Strasbourg, France.

La présentation introduit le projet CYCLONE, sa feuille de route et ses objectifs, les partenaires du projet, ainsi que les technologies. Elle illustre les utilisations de la plate-forme mise en oeuvre par Cycline à travers deux cas concerts: la Bioinformatique et la gestion énergétique.

Le marketplace et ont été présentés et comparés à cette occasion.

Vous pouvez télécharger la présentation ici: 20160315-cyclone-matrice – v2

Insert a multi cloud application in the MarketPlace

This article describes a way to insert an appliance that is likely to be instanciated on different clouds.

LAL Marketplace is available here: MarketPlace. It presents a  repository if appliances usable on the cloud.

In its current version, the Marketplace permits to define an appliance that can be launched in a single click over a set of cloud thanks to a simple description file manipulation.

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