Archives de catégorie : Infrastructure

Retour à la normale


Le site OpenStack est de nouveau opérationnel. L’ensemble des services sont en production. La connexion interne a été mis à jour, cela à entrainer certains changements de configuration qui ne devrait pas avoir d’impact majeur.


Cloud Migration

Executive Summary

These last years, LAL has developed, deploy and maintain a StratusLab-based cloud platform.

At the same time, the cloud ecosystem has evolved significantly and at the end of last year, we decided that it was time to migrate from StratusLab to a more feature-rich platform, OpenStack, which is the main open-source cloud middleware. Today we are pleased to announce that the new platform is open an accessible to users previously registered on our StratusLab platform.

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[INCIDENT] Microcoupure



Due a to micro outage on our machine room, some OpenStack hypervisors have been rebooted. All VM should be restarted but unfortunately, some of them didn’t. We currently work to fix this issue.

Another side effect is that our cinder backend infrastructure (ceph) is currently out. We also work to fix this issue. Cinder is down until situation is fixed.




Suite à une micro-coupure electrique dans notre salle machine, certains de nos hyperviseurs ont rebooter. Toutes les VMs auraient du redémarrer, malheureusement certaines n’ont pas redémarrer correctement. Nous travaillons actuellement a rétablir al situation.

De même, l’infrastructure CEPH en backend de notre service cinder n’est pas accessible. Les volumes cinder ne sont donc pas accessible. Nous travaillons aussi a rétablir la situation


slipstream & LAL OpenStack infrastructure

Due to some limitation on current slipstream release (v2.23.2), only v3.2+ version of OpenStack is compatible with LAL OpenStack infrastructure.

stable version of slipstream is available @
v3.2 (release candidate) version of slipstream is available @

Registration (en)


Users working in Univeristé Paris 11 don’t need to register. They can use their Adonis account, the one they use to connect to university services.

New users can register on our  registration page. This page may also be used to reset your password.

You must fill all required fields. This automatically sends a mail to the administrators of the platform. You will be notified of the adminstrator action (validation or rejection of you request).

You will not be allowed to use the platform until the administrator contact you to finalize you account settings, specifically regarding authorization.